What is @babel/helper-plugin-utils?
The @babel/helper-plugin-utils package is designed to simplify the creation and management of Babel plugins. It provides utility functions that help in validating and constructing Babel plugins with the correct structure and options. This package is particularly useful for developers working on custom Babel plugins, as it abstracts away some of the boilerplate code required for plugin development.
Creating a simple Babel plugin
This code sample demonstrates how to use the `declare` function from @babel/helper-plugin-utils to create a simple Babel plugin. The `declare` function takes a callback that receives the Babel API, plugin options, and the directory name. Inside the callback, you can define your plugin logic under the `visitor` object, targeting specific types of AST nodes.
const { declare } = require('@babel/helper-plugin-utils');
const myPlugin = declare((api, options, dirname) => {
return {
visitor: {
Identifier(path) {
// Plugin logic goes here
module.exports = myPlugin;